August 31st, 2022 - Roger's Reflections
Something new! One of the fascinating parts of the ministry is the amount of incredible information, stories, resources, etc. that I run into on a regular basis. I often meet people who have incredible stories. I will encounter people or an organization that is doing amazing things that I think need to be shared with a larger group of people. On a daily basis, I will receive articles, links to resources, devotionals, and so much more that bless me and I'm sure would bless you as well, if I only had a place to share that information!
That's why I am starting this blog "Roger's Reflections." On a regular basis (at least weekly) I will share information of value that I believe will be a blessing to you. Some will be shared in other ways as well, but some of these resources, stories, etc. will only be found here, so I encourage you to stop by each week to see what is here. I am also open to hearing from you about resources, organizations, ministries, testimonies, etc. that would be a blessing to others who stop by this blog.