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The DFUMC nursery is a place provided just for our littlest friends (under 4 years of age) every Sunday morning! While you are worshiping, they will be engaged in learning through song, stories and play.

All staff and volunteers have passed a criminal background screening and have completed Safe Sanctuaries training. Finally, we have a volunteer security team onsite Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. We strive to keep your child’s environment and our greater congregation a safe place to experience the abiding love of God and fellowship within a faith community.

When is nursery provided?

Childcare is provided during the 9:45 am Sunday School hour and the 11 am worship hour for children ages 4 and under. We also provide childcare as needed for other activities. Our nurseries are staffed with qualified, background-checked childcare workers and volunteers.

Where does my child belong?

The question most often asked on Sunday mornings is “Where does my child belong?” Our nursery consists of two groups: 

  • Infants, 1 & 2 year-olds in room A106
  • 3 & 4 year-olds in room A104

The rooms are labeled, along with birth dates, to aid in the correct placement of your child.

How check-in works

Before Service: You can check-in your child at the station in the Children's area. You and your child will be given matching name tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion while you hold on to the matching tag.

After Service: After the service is complete, you will return to your child’s room and show your tag in order for your child to be released back to you.

During Service: In the event that we need to contact you during the service, your child’s identification code will appear on the screen. We ask that you return to the appropriate area immediately.