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Signs of Illness

View Signs of Illness

Please do not bring a sick child to preschool. This can cause the spread of infection to others.

Signs of illness in a child are:

  • Fever
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Red eyes
  • Inflamed mouth and throat
  • Frequent coughing
  • Sneezing, runny nose and eyes
  • Rash or flushed skin
  • Skin eruptions
  • Earache
  • Unusual fatigue or irritability

A child who appears ill upon arrival will not be allowed to stay at school. When a child becomes ill at school, the child’s parent(s)/guardian will be notified immediately and be required to come for, or arrange for another designated person to come for, the child. If the parent cannot be reached, the persons listed on the registration form will be called to pick up your child.

Please notify the preschool director by phone or email any time your child is sick so that we can inform the teacher to watch for signs of illness in the other children.

Below are some of the most common childhood illnesses and diseases along with information on when the child can return to school after recovering from these illnesses.

COLDS--A child should not return until symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and coughing are gone. Ordinary colds usually last three or more days. A runny nose with yellow or green mucus suggests an infection that should be seen by a doctor. If caring for a child with nasal discharge interferes with the daily routine and classroom hygiene, the child should not attend preschool and will not be allowed to stay.

FEVER--Child should be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to preschool.

VOMITING/DIARRHEA--Child should not return for at least 24 hours after symptoms have disappeared.

STREP THROAT--this is highly contagious and the child should be on antibiotics for at least 48 hours and fever-free before returning.

PINKEYE--Child must be diagnosed and on medication for 24 hours and the eyes must be clear and free of discharge.

CHICKEN POX--Those exposed may break out 12-21 days later. The child may feel ill for two days prior to the appearance of the skin rash. A child cannot return to class until no new lesions have appeared for 48 hours and ALL spots are dry and scabbed or crusted over (about 7-10 days).

IMPETIGO--A bacterial infection of the skin. Blisters will appear first, then brownish-colored scabs or crusts. It will spread easily to other body areas and is contagious to others. A doctor must diagnose and treat this condition. The child can return after use of medication when the infected area is healed.

LICE--Child must remain at home for two days and be treated with an over-the-counter medicated shampoo. ALL nits must be removed from the hair before returning to school. The treatment should be repeated seven days later to kill any new nits or newly hatched lice.

FIFTH DISEASE--Bright red or rosy rash on cheeks, then a lace-like rash on the extremities which can come and go for one to five weeks. Child should stay home if there is fever or if the rash is itchy.

GIARDIA--An active, intestinal parasite that appears 5-25 days after exposure. Symptoms include mild or severe diarrhea, fatigue, sometimes vomiting, and may come and go over a period of time. Child cannot return until he/she takes ALL of the medicine (five to ten days) AND has two negative tests three days apart. We also need WRITTEN confirmation from the doctor that the tests were negative.

SHIGELLOSIS--Bacterial infection of the intestinal tract. Mild to severe diarrhea. Child cannot return until he/she has been treated and the diarrhea is gone.

RINGWORM--A fungus that is contagious and spreads. Child should see a doctor for medication. After 24 hours of application, the child may return to preschool. However, the area must be kept covered while at school.

MEASLES--Contagious for four to five days after the onset of rash. Child cannot return to preschool until fever-free and the rash has been gone for three days.

SKIN INFECTIONS--All skin infections, including scratches, scrapes, and abrasions that have become infected, must be covered during the time the child is at school.